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Restaurant Empire

Diposting oleh RyuK | 21.29 | | 0 komentar »

Start with just some cash and a dream and see if you can build a Restaurant Empire!

restaurant empire

Have a blast creating your own theme park!

rollercoaster tycoon 2 download

Kudos Rock Legend

Diposting oleh RyuK | 21.28 | | 0 komentar »

Put together a rock band and rise to Superstar status!

Kudos - Rock Legend game
Win 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista - 26.34 MB - 1 hr trial


Diposting oleh RyuK | 21.27 | | 0 komentar »

Send the housing market through the roof as you build, buy, and sell houses in this new real estate strategy game!

Build-a-lot game
Win 98/Me/2000/XP - 28 MB - 1 hr trial


Diposting oleh RyuK | 21.27 | | 0 komentar »

Control the social, economic, career, and leisure activities of a person and see what you can accomplish in 10 years!

Kudos game
Win 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista - 17.6 MB - 1 hr trial

Virtual Villagers

Diposting oleh RyuK | 21.26 | | 0 komentar »

Virtual Villagers game
Win 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista - 16.9 MB - 1 hr trial

Be the boss of your own construction company!

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Real Estate Empire

Diposting oleh RyuK | 21.23 | | 0 komentar »

Real Estate Empire game
Win 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista - 9.11 MB - 1 hr trial

Alien Wars Free Games Download

Welcome to the fantastic world of Alien Wars - a fantastic Vertical Scrolling Space Shooter game.

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Command a tank to ward off a relentless invasion of enemy tanks

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Wysigot Light 6.01

Diposting oleh RyuK | 00.27 | | 0 komentar »

Wysigot Light

Wysigot is the browser that monitors any site or any file anywhere (web, ftp, LAN, local). With its powerful tools for capturing, updating, sorting, comparing, archiving, showing anything new (alarms, highlighting modified texts, ...), with its powerful settings and its three searching modes, Wysigot is the essential online/offline web browser and monitoring tool. Try Wysigot Light, you will discover a much more efficient use of the web.

Changes in version 6.01:
Vista compliant and other enhancements, see history for details


WebCloner Offline Browser

WebCloner is a site ripper, images and Flash downloader, offline browser, and e-book compiler (CHM, EXE just for Pro version) with advanced configuration options. This way WebCloner allows you to scan, download, browse and convert to e-books (CHM) entire websites or just parts of them. WebCloner saves the content directly into packed web files so it will come easier for you to archive, share and password protect saved content.


Block Web Site Buddy

Block Web Site Buddy is an essential software to block web sites that have unwanted content. Stop downloading advertising banners and get rid of undesired web sites to keep your privacy and reduce internet traffic. Fully compatible with all popular browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, and Opera.Rejects online tracking and advertising pictures.


Block Web Site Buddy

Block Web Site Buddy is an essential software to block web sites that have unwanted content. Stop downloading advertising banners and get rid of undesired web sites to keep your privacy and reduce internet traffic. Fully compatible with all popular browsers including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, and Opera.Rejects online tracking and advertising pictures.


Super Email Verifier Short Description

Super Email Verifier is a program that verifies the validity of e-mail addresses in mailing lists. The program works on the same algorithm as ISP mail systems do. There is no need to disturb your clients and friends anymore just to verify their addresses. It connects directly to their SMTP server to check the address you. It does not come to the message sending. It disconnects as soon as mail server informs does this address exist


Death Note - the WORLD

Diposting oleh RyuK | 03.45 | | 0 komentar »


Album name: Death Note - the WORLD
Song name: 02 - Alumina.mp3
Filesize: 11.59 MB

Download: Download to Phone | Download to Computer (refresh this page if you get a broken link)

Songs are not optimized to be streamed. Please right-click and choose "Save As" instead of simply clicking on the download link.

If you wish to link to this song, link to this page. Do not link to the song directly. The song link will expire.

sistem pencernaan

Diposting oleh RyuK | 03.45 | | 0 komentar »

sistem pencernaan

Sistem pencernaan terdiri atas : - saluran pencernaan
- kelenjar-kelenjar yang berhubungan
Fungsi :
a. ingesti dan digesti makanan
b. absorbsi sari makanan
c. eliminasi sisa makanan
Langkah-langkah proses pencernaan makanan:
1. Pencernaan di mulut dan rongga mulut: makanan digiling menjadi kecil-kecil oleh gigi dan dibasahi oleh saliva
2. Disalurkan melalui faring dan esophagus
3. Pencernaan di lambung dan usus halus: dalam usus halus diubah menjadi asaam-asam amino, monosakarida, gliserida dan unsure-unsur dasarnya yang lain.
4. Absorbsi air dalam usus besar: akibatnya isi yang tidak dicerna menjadi setengah padat (veses).
5. Veses dikeluarkan dari dalam tubuh melalui kloaka (bila ada) kemudian ke anus.
Organ-organ asesori (organ tambahan):
a. Gigi
b. Lidah
c. Kelenjar ludah
d. Kelenjar-kelenjar pencernaan di luar saluran pencernaan (hati dan pancreas)
Struktur saluran pencernaan tiap vertebrata berbeda-beda atau disesuaikan dengan bentuk tubuh, jenis makanan, dan fungsi sistem pencernaan.

A Mulut dan Rongga Mulut
Dalam pengertian luas istilah mulut sama artinya dengan rongga mulut. Rongga mulut dimulai dari mulut dan berakhir pada faring. Letak mulut pada posisi terminal dan ventral, sedangkan batas rongga mulut berupa epitel berlapis gepeng tanpa tanduk. Sel-sel superfisialnya berinti dan mempunyai granula-granula keratin di bagian dalamnya. Dalam rongga mulut terdapat kelenjar-kelenjar mucus, berfungsi untuk menghasilkan mucus sebagai pembasah dan pelicin makanan. Atap mulut terdiri dari palatum keras dan lunak, diliputi oleh epitel berlapis gepeng. Palatum keras adalah membran mukosa yang melekat pada jaringan tulang, sedangkan palatum lunak mempunyai pusat otot rangka dan banyak kelenjar mukosa pada lapisan submukosanya. Fungsi mulut adalah sebagai penerima makanan. Mulut beberapa hewan sebagai pengambil makanan karena terdapat rahang maksila dan mandibula. Organ-organ didalam rongga mulut antara lain: gigi, lidah, dan kelenjar ludah.

B. Lidah
Lidah merupakan
massa jaringan pengikat dsan otot lurik yang diliputi oleh membran mukosa. Membran mukosa melekat erat pada otot karena jaringan penyambung lamina propia menembus ke dalam ruang-ruang antar berkas-berkas otot. Pada bagian bawah lidah membran mukosanya halus.
Fungsi lidah:
- untuk mengaduk makanan yang dikunyah
- menelan makanan
- mengontrol suara dan dalam mengucapkan kata-kata
Permukaan atas lidah mengandung banyak tonjolan-tonjolan epitel mulut dan lamina propia (yang disebut papilla).

C. Kelenjar Ludah
Kelenjar ludah terbentuk dari jaringan epitel dan menghasilkan secret.
Ciri-ciri: - sel glandularis
- duktus interkalaris

-saluran bercolak
- menghasilakan mucus dan enzim amilase

D. Gigi
- Tersusun dalam 2 lengkung
- Terletak pada maxilla dan mandibula
- Masing-masing gigi terdiri atas bvagian yang menonjol di atas ginggiva (atau gum) yaitu mahkota dan di bawah ginggiva yaitu akar (mempertahankan gigi dalam lekuk tulang atau alveolus). Tempat peralihan mahkota ke akar sampai leher.
- Tiap gigi mempunyai rongga sentral, rongga pulpa
- Terdiri dari bagian nonmineral: pulpa, dan 3 bagian bermineral: email, dentin, sementum.

Kelenjar-kelenjar Pencernaan di luar Saluran Pencernaan

a. Hati (hepar)
Hati merupakan kelenjar ynag terbesar di dalam tubuh. Fungsi hati antara lain:
- mengahasilkan empedu (sebagai kelenjar eksokrin) yang terkumpul dalam kandung empedu,
- menyimpan lemak dan glikogen serta albumin,
- mensintesis protein plasma darah,
- detoksifikasi zat-zat toksis,
- merombak eritrosit yang rusak,
- eliminasi asam amino menjadi urea, menyimpan vitamin A dan B dan berperan dalam metabolisme karbohidrat dan lemak
- menghasilkan suatu hormone
Hati terdiri atas beberapa belahan (lobus). Masing-masing lobus dibina oleh ratusan ribu lobulus yang berbentuk heksagonal. Tiap lobulus dilapisi oleh jaringan ikat interlobular yang disebut kapsula Glisson. Pada bagian tebgah lobulus hati terdapat vena sentralis, pita-pita sel hati yang bercabang atau berantomosis tersusun radier terhadap vena sentralis. Diantar pita-pita sel hati terdapat sinusoid-sinusoid darah yang tampak seperti celah-celah atau rongga. Pada dinding sinusoid terdapat sel kapiler yang tergolong sebagai makrofage. Sudut antara lobuli-lobuli yang bersebelahan disebut segitiga Kiernann yang berisi saluran porta, yaitu arteri, vena dan saluran empedu interlobular.
Sel hati (hepatosit) berbentuk polyhedral, berinti satu (75%) atau dua (25%). Sitoplasma mengandung banyak butir glikogen. Sel-sel inilah yang menghasilkan empedu. Untuk sementara empedu disimpan dalam kandung empedu(vesika fellea), disina empedu tersebut menjadi kental karena airnya diserap kembali aleh dinding kandung empedu. Hormon kholesistokinin mengatur pengeluaran empedu ke usus halus. Oleh ductus sistikus empedu disalurkan ke duktus kholedokhus yang bermuara di duodenum, dan di tempat tersebut terjadi pengemulsian lemak. Kandung empedu berkembang pada kebanyakan vertebrata. Ikan lamprey, kebanyakan burung, tikus dan ikan paus tidak mempunyai kandung empedu hanya mengkonsumsi sedikit lemak dalam makanannya. Manusia masih dapat hidup selama bertahun-tahun setelah kandung empedunya dibuang melalui pembedahan dengan syarat harus menghindari lemak dalam dietnya.

b. Pankreas
- Kelenjar ini hanya terdapat pada vertebrata dan semua hewan vertebrata memilikinya.
- Pada Pisces, Amphibia dan Reptilia pancreas terletak di antara lambung dan duodenum, sedangkan pada Aves dan Mammalia terletak diantara parsasenden dan desenden duodeni.
- Merupakan organ majemuk, karena menpunyai fungsi sebagai kelenjar eksokrin maupun sebagai kelenjar endokrin.
- Bagian eksokrin. Merupakan kumpulan asini pancreas. Tiap asini berlumen sempit, dengan sel-sel sekretori berbentuk pyramid. Bagian ini menghasilkan enzim protease, nuclease, amylase dan lipase,
Bagian endokrin. Merupakan pulau-pulau Langerhans, tersebar diantara kelenjar eksokrin. Bagian ini terbentuk oleh sel, sel B


1. Sebutkan alat-alat pencernaan!
a. mulut
b. kerongkongan
c. lambung
d. usus halus
e. rectum
f. kantong empedu
g. pancreas

2. Di dalam rongga mulut terdapat 3 kelenjar pencernaan yang berperan penting pada proses pencernaan. Sebutkan ketiga kelenjar tersebut beserta lokasi dan peranannya masing-masing!
a. Kelenjar parotis, terletak di dekat telinga. Berfungsi untuk menghasilkan ludah berbenuk cair
b. Kelenjar submaksilaris, terletak di rahang atas. Berfungsi untuk membasahi makanan alam mulut
c. Kelenjar sublingualis, terletak di bawah lidah. Berfungsi untuk membasahi makanan alam mulut.

3. Bagaimana peranan lidah dalam proses pencernaan makanan di dalam mulut

4. Sebutkan fungsi kelenjar ludah?

5. Sebutkan fungsi makanan bagi tubuh!

6. Menurut fungsinya gigi dibagi menjadi 3 macam,sebutkan!

7. Apakah fungsi dari usus halus?


Diposting oleh RyuK | 03.44 | | 0 komentar »

Pertukaran O2 Dan CO2 Dalam Pernafasan

Jumlah oksigen yang diambil melalui udara pernapasan tergantung pada kebutuhan dan hal tersebut biasanya dipengaruhi oleh jenis pekerjaan, ukuran tubuh, serta jumlah maupun jenis bahan makanan yang dimakan.

Pekerja-pekerja berat termasuk atlit lebih banyak membutuhkan oksigen dibanding pekerja ringan. Demikian juga seseorang yang memiliki ukuran tubuh lebih besar dengan sendirinya membutuhkan oksigen lebih banyak. Selanjutnya, seseorang yang memiliki kebiasaan memakan lebih banyak daging akan membutuhkan lebih banyak oksigen daripada seorang vegetarian.

Dalam keadaan biasa, manusia membutuhkan sekitar 300 cc oksigen sehari (24 jam) atau sekitar 0,5 cc tiap menit. Kebutuhan tersebut berbanding lurus dengan volume udara inspirasi dan ekspirasi biasa kecuali dalam keadaan tertentu saat konsentrasi oksigen udara inspirasi berkurang atau karena sebab lain, misalnya konsentrasi hemoglobin darah berkurang.

a. Rongga Hidung (Cavum Nasalis)

Udara dari luar akan masuk lewat rongga hidung (cavum nasalis). Rongga hidung berlapis selaput lendir, di dalamnya terdapat kelenjar minyak (kelenjar sebasea) dan kelenjar keringat (kelenjar sudorifera). Selaput lendir berfungsi menangkap benda asing yang masuk lewat saluran pernapasan. Selain itu, terdapat juga rambut pendek dan tebal yang berfungsi menyaring partikel kotoran yang masuk bersama udara. Juga terdapat konka yang mempunyai banyak kapiler darah yang berfungsi menghangatkan udara yang masuk.

b. Faring (Tenggorokan)

Udara dari rongga hidung masuk ke faring. Faring merupakan percabangan 2 saluran, yaitu saluran pernapasan (nasofarings) pada bagian depan dan saluran pencernaan (orofarings) pada bagian belakang.

Pada bagian belakang faring (posterior) terdapat laring (tekak) tempat terletaknya pita suara (pita vocalis). Masuknya udara melalui faring akan menyebabkan pita suara bergetar dan terdengar sebagai suara.

Makan sambil berbicara dapat mengakibatkan makanan masuk ke saluran pernapasan karena saluran pernapasan pada saat tersebut sedang terbuka. Walaupun demikian, saraf kita akan mengatur agar peristiwa menelan, bernapas, dan berbicara tidak terjadi bersamaan sehingga mengakibatkan gangguan kesehatan.

c. Tenggorokan (Trakea)

Tenggorokan berupa pipa yang panjangnya ± 10 cm, terletak sebagian di leher dan sebagian di rongga dada (torak). Dinding tenggorokan tipis dan kaku, dikelilingi oleh cincin tulang rawan, dan pada bagian dalam rongga bersilia. Silia-silia ini berfungsi menyaring benda-benda asing yang masuk ke saluran pernapasan.

d. Cabang-cabang Tenggorokan (Bronki)

Tenggorokan (trakea) bercabang menjadi dua bagian, yaitu bronkus kanan dan bronkus kiri. Struktur lapisan mukosa bronkus sama dengan trakea, hanya tulang rawan bronkus bentuknya tidak teratur dan pada bagian bronkus yang lebih besar cincin tulang rawannya melingkari lumen dengan sempurna. Bronkus bercabang-cabang lagi menjadi bronkiolus.

e. Paru-paru (Pulmo)

Paru-paru terletak di dalam rongga dada bagian atas, di bagian samping dibatasi oleh otot dan rusuk dan di bagian bawah dibatasi oleh diafragma yang berotot kuat. Paru-paru ada dua bagian yaitu paru-paru kanan (pulmo dekster) yang terdiri atas 3 lobus dan paru-paru kiri (pulmo sinister) yang terdiri atas 2 lobus. Paru-paru dibungkus oleh dua selaput yang tipis, disebut pleura. Selaput bagian dalam yang langsung menyelaputi paru-paru disebut pleura dalam (pleura visceralis) dan selaput yang menyelaputi rongga dada yang bersebelahan dengan tulang rusuk disebut pleura luar (pleura parietalis).

Dalam keadaaan normal, kegiatan inspirasi dan ekpirasi atau menghirup dan menghembuskan udara dalam bernapas hanya menggunakan sekitar 500 cc volume udara pernapasan (kapasitas tidal = ± 500 cc). Kapasitas tidal adalah jumlah udara yang keluar masuk pare-paru pada pernapasan normal. Dalam keadaan luar biasa, inspirasi maupun ekspirasi dalam menggunakan sekitar 1500 cc udara pernapasan (expiratory reserve volume = inspiratory reserve volume = 1500 cc). Lihat skema udara pernapasan berikut ini.

Skema udara pernapasan

Udara cadangan inspirasi1500

Udara pernapasan biasa

kapasitas total Ü

Udara cadangan ekspirasi

Þ kapasitas vital

Udara sisa (residu)

Dengan demikian, udara yang digunakan dalam proses pernapasan memiliki volume antara 500 cc hingga sekitar 3500 cc. Dari 500 cc udara inspirasi/ekspirasi biasa, hanya sekitar 350 cc udara yang mencapai alveolus, sedangkan sisanya mengisi saluran pernapasan. Volume udara pernapasan dapat diukur dengan suatu alat yang disebut spirometer. Besarnya volume udara pernapasan tersebut dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain ukuran alat pernapasan, kemampuan dan kebiasaan bernapas, serta kondisi kesehatan.

Live Chat Free Trial Download

Diposting oleh RyuK | 00.00 | | 0 komentar »

Live Chat with Users on your Website !

This program allows visitors the opportunity to chat with you in real time by just clicking on a chat link from your site. Live Chat is a great way to have support on your Website or to talk to people that are visiting your Website live.

It has a Built-in Wizard so you don't need to know Flash or even HTML to have Live chat on your Website. Just upload and add the link to your site. When you have the program open your visitors will chime in when they want to chat. If you close the program they will receive a message that you are currently not available. (very cool)

98% of Web users polled prefer Live Chat over e-mail when they want to contact someone on a Website. Most services charge a monthly fee for this but at CoffeeCup we have figured out how to create software for only $34 to do it! Now you can have Live Chat on your Website for a fraction of the cost! (sweet)


Create Powerful Google Sitemaps in Seconds!

By placing a sitemap file on your Website, you enable Google and other search engines to find out what pages are present, which have recently changed and have them spider your Website accordingly. Using Sitemaps allow you to inform and direct Google and other search engines what content you have available on your Website.

Google Sitemaps are an easy way for you to help improve your coverage in Google search results. It's a system that enables you to communicate directly with Google to keep them informed of all your web pages, and when you make changes to these pages. CoffeeCup Google Sitemapper takes all the work out of creating a Google Sitemap. Just enter your Website Address and click go... Presto! The Sitemap is made and ready to upload.


Add a Flash Menu to Your Website !

CoffeeCup Flash Menu Builder is a quick and easy way to create awesome looking flash menus for your Website. Menu builder includes dozens of high quality buttons, backgrounds and sounds. Create menus and sub menus with fade effects, custom buttons or text. Flash Menu Builder requires no knowledge of Flash or HTML. Simply create your menu, save and upload. It's that easy.


Add Customized Search to Your Website in a Flash!

Now you can create your own customized search engine so your visitors can easily search your Website for what they are looking for. CoffeeCup Flash Website Search is the only software of its kind. Just enter your Website address and the software reads your Website to create a database of all your pages. Just add the cool Flash Search Box to your pages and your vistors will be able to search your Website with power and ease - no programming necessary!

All you do is follow the easy steps through the software and it will automatically read your Website, build the database, and upload the required files to your server. You can even customize the layout, colors and fonts of your search results, add your own HTML header and footer files, and more. You can easily match your existing Websites look and feel in just a few minutes!


Add A Cool Music Player to your Website !

Web JukeBox is a music player for your Website. It comes with over 20 cool players that will match any Website design. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can add your mp3's and allow your visitors to listen to them on your Website. It couldn't be any easier. There is no longer a need for you to embed a media player in your Web page, just paste the code created by our program into your existing Web page and presto! It couldn't be any easier.

CoffeeCup Web JukeBox offers you flexiblity and creativity in creating your JukeBox on the Web the way you want. You can add an unlimited number of songs and organize them how you wish; by the artist's name or album title, it's totally up to you! Everything from a simple stereo and buttons to an iPod can be placed on your Website. Web Jukebox has big players, small players and everything in between. You will love it !


Create Amazing Photo Galleries for your Website in seconds !

CoffeeCup Photo Gallery is an easy-to-use photo gallery creator for your Website. It supports all major image formats, including .GIF, .JPG, .PNG, .BMP and more. And guess what: no HTML or Flash knowledge is required! Simply point the program to photos on your computer and you're all set. Photo Gallery will automatically optimize your photos and upload them with sliding thumbnails. And with Photo Gallery's new templates and layering setup, it's very cool looking, too!

CoffeeCup Photo Gallery is a great way to put photos on your website or anywhere else you can embed Flash. Photos can be sorted into separate albums and you can add captions to each photo. Using different backgrounds, colors, templates, and layouts, you can tailor CoffeeCup Photo Gallery to the existing look-and-feel of your website. To give the experience more depth, you can even include sounds and music. There is no limit to what you can do with CoffeeCup Photo Gallery.


Firestarter 7.1

Diposting oleh RyuK | 23.33 | | 0 komentar »

The Fastest and Easiest way to make Killer Flash Effects for your Website.

CoffeeCup Firestarter is the fastest and easiest way to make Flash Effects for your Website. It quickly creates complex text and image effects with just a few clicks of the mouse. You can make Flash Intro pages, navigation systems, graphic logos, or whatever you want !

Firestarter has over 65 built in ready to use effects like Assemble, Explode, Fade, and more, a collection of cool MP3 Sounds, plus it's all in an easy to use interface. No more struggling with expensive, complex software, with CoffeeCup Firestarter you will be making really cool Effects in a Flash !


Website Font 3.4

Diposting oleh RyuK | 23.32 | | 0 komentar »

Now use ANY Font for your Website Text!

Just choose any Font you want and it will be rendered as text regardless if the visitor has the font on their computer or not. Website Fonts can be seen and indexed by search engines too! You don't have to use images to have nice Fonts on your Website anymore!

Create a style and a Website like no one has ever seen before with CoffeeCup Flash Website Font!

From Wikipedia: "A high quality cross-browser, cross-platform typography solution for the masses."


Add Videos to Your Website !
Now convert your movies to Flash and get them on the Web! CoffeeCup Web Video Player converts MPGs, AVIs, MOVs, FLVs and WMVs to Flash fast and easy. Just choose your videos and pick a Player Skin and you are ready to upload your movies, clips, or favorite videos to your Website. With CoffeeCup Web Video Player adding one or multiple movies to your Website has never been more simple.


Create Web Forms without using HTML or Scripts !

CoffeeCup Web Form Builder is a drag and drop program that creates the most unbelievable Web Forms you have ever seen. Add Input Boxes, Text Areas, Lists, Drop Down Boxes, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons and more. We use our own cool combination of Flash, XML, PHP and ASP; the best part is you don't have to know any code. Just put in your e-mail address and upload the files !

You can also add images and backgrounds and customize your E-mail forms or surveys with color, fonts, borders and highlights. The software includes Buttons, Backgrounds, and XP Style Icons to get you started or use your own images to make unique business or personal Forms like never before. This is the easiest and fastest way to make Website Forms in the world !


Now Anyone Can Make a Website ... No Experience Needed !

CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer is a WYSIWYG Website Creator and Editor that helps you make Web pages with no experience or HTML knowledge.

Just drag and drop images or text on the page until you like what you see, and then upload to your Website. Visual Site Designer comes with over 50 Web Page Templates to start you off and you can make Websites with multiple pages, text-fields, graphics, animations and more. Create pages with your own images or use the built-in button and background creators to make every step a breeze.


Webmasters love Direct FTP because it is so easy to make quick changes and updates to their Websites. Just drag a file to the Edit window to make changes and click save when you are done. Direct FTP saves the changes directly to your Website! Preview images right from the server too! One of the best features is the ability to make a backup ZIP file of your Website with just one click. The Make ZIP Archive features automatically adds all the files and folders to a zip file and saves it on your local computer. No other FTP client gives you these powerful features and ease of use.


CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor 9.0
Released: Jul 19, 2007
Runs On: Windows Vista, XP, Media Center
File Size: 10.54 Mb


Diposting oleh RyuK | 23.22 | | 0 komentar »

Web CEO Publisher's Description:
The only Web promotion software you need to promote, analyze and maintain your site.

Web CEO is an integral software solution for web site promotion. Web CEO will answer just about every need for tools to maintain your web site, optimize it for attaining top rankings in search engines, measure and analyze traffic to your site. The program includes tools for keyword research, search engine optimization and submissions, rank checking, site quality management, meta tag and content editing, and FTP uploading.

  • Download Now!
  • ASP Spell Check

    Diposting oleh RyuK | 23.21 | | 0 komentar »

    ASP Spell Check Publisher's Description:
    ASP Spell Check provides an Spellchecker component for Microsoft ASP (VBScript) . Word-processor style spell checking installs in minutes. Provides spelling validation for HTML Website Forms, Content management (CMS), Browser HTML Editors and Intranets. HTML and XHTML W3C compliant, accessible and broadly compatible. International dictionaries for: French, German, Swedish, Danish, Italian, Dutch... Now ASP.Net, AJAX & Flash Compatible

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  • MioToolbox

    Diposting oleh RyuK | 23.18 | | 0 komentar »

    MioToolbox Publisher's Description:
    Five handy graphics tools available at any time from a single mouse click: The pixel ruler, color picker, screen capture, lens, mouse lens, and more.

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  • HTML Link Validator Review

    Diposting oleh RyuK | 22.54 | | 0 komentar »

    HTML Link Validator

    Professional link checker. Checks web sites for broken links and redirected links, validates Favorites, Internet shortcuts, and link lists. Validates thousands of documents at once, with no limit on the number of links or pages. Fully automated multi-threaded web spider can validate a whole web site, marking files with errors, allowing you to edit the sources. Can find unused (orphaned) web site files. HTML, TXT, Access reports. Case sensitive.

    Changes in version 4.47:
    Fixed problem with tag, fixed some compatibility problems with Windows Vista


    xmlBlueprint XML Editor

    The fast XML editor for Windows. Unicode aware text editing; Validation of XML Document against DTD, Relax NG Schema or XML Schema; XSL Transformation; XML layout tidying; real-time XML coloring; context-sensitive XML Completion; XPath Expression Evaluator; XML tree explorer; unlimited undo/redo.


    A1 Website Download 1.2.9

    Diposting oleh RyuK | 22.49 | | 0 komentar »

    A1 Website Download

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